Thursday, May 27, 2010

choose seccond bass (bass lesson)

if the bass is old and showing signs of damage, or too tuayang can not compromise anymore, although the fix will take a very long and very hard to workmanship, you also must realize that the sound (tone) is incompatible with the music we played, especially the bass is an instrument that can control the lives of a song
choose the former had to be thorough bass, because it will be more shortages this seccond on bass, but by buying our second bass will be better able to economize. and free music caruban got tips for you: 

1. bass should be good in the hand / on the shoulder while at play, especially about the neck and the weight, if not better not comfortable in buying, check the tone but also the character for this one you better know about your music taste. 

2. nowadays a lot of brand new bass, not because good or not but because of historical value, originality factor is important, you also must be good at selecting, neck, body, until the hardware, are genuine or not, originality serial number is usually printed on the body until the hardware 

3. Do not forget to also check the condition of neck, usually can be viewed twist, bend forward or not, this is very important because it affects the bass sound, could be so off-key voice 

4. pickup should be on trying to amplifire, checks one by one with a selector that exist, and are still good or not 

5. knop should be smooth, may not sound, you also need to check potensionya, rusty or not. 

6. The last check freet nutsnya, when it's not flat, not in purchasing. usually bass with nuts freet Uneven produce sound when the play dead. 

good luck

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